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Hiwin Tech Gateway
This page is designed to give you ready access to a full range of information on the HIWIN linear blocks and rail we sell. The provided data will probably answer 99% of the questions you may have. If you don't find what you're looking for, then fill out the form on our SUPPORT page.
AG Linear Guideways
Technical Information
LG Linear Guideways
Technical Information
Tech Data Common
to Both Lines

This is a typical "H" type block
as in AGH or LGH. It is often
referred to as a square block.

This is a typical "W" type block
as in AGW or LGW. It is often
referred to as a flange block.
Here are a few general comments that may be helpful:
- HIWIN is a very respected manufacturer of a broad range of motion products. Its world headquarters is in Taiwan and USA operations are centered in the Chicago area with additional regional sales offices. HIWIN products are distributed worldwide and are found in countless OEM applications.
The AG and LG products we offer here are what are sometimes referred to as HIWIN's "Legacy" line. A few years back, HIWIN superseded the AG and LG with new products (EG and HG). The AG and LG are WORKHORSE products that are precise and durable.
- In early 2008, Automation Overstock purchased the entire remaining USA factory inventory of AG and LG products. It took five tractor trailer loads to move it to our warehouse.
- Unless noted otherwise, all of the HIWIN material we have for sale is NEW OLD STOCK (NOS). It is first-quality and in original factory packaging.
- There are basically TWO PRODUCT lines for you to consider...with a great variety within in each. These two lines are the AG (medium duty) line and the LG (heavy duty) line. Information and links shown above should prove helpful. For the ultimate guide, download the entire linear guideway technical catalog (PDF, 79 pgs., 1.37mb).
- Cross-reference HIWIN to other manufacturers' products.

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